*Legal information

This site is offered by :

L’SSDO (Sport and Sustainable Development Observatory)

Association act 1901

Corporate and mailing address : 2, place Corneille - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France

Phone : +33 6 72 92 59 91

SIRET : 498 975 028 00016

APE code : 913 E (organizations nec)

Editor : Nathalie DURAND, CEO

Center hosting

OVH (140 Quai du Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - France )

Site created with SPIP program Open Source GNU / GPL.

Information contained in the site

The information provided on www.osdd.fr are for informational purposes. The SSDO can not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness of information available on the site. The SSDO strives to provide users with information and / or tools available and verified, but can not be held liable for errors or omissions, lack of availability of information and services. Accordingly, the user acknowledges use this information in its sole responsibility. You have read the above information before visiting the site. By choosing to access the site, the user agrees, expressly and irrevocably, the words below.


All content on this site are covered by copyright. Any recovery is therefore subject to the approval of the author under Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.

All elements (text, logos, images, sounds, software, icons, layout, database ,...) contained on the site and related sites are protected by national law and international intellectual property . These elements remain the exclusive property of the SSDO and / or its partners.

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Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute trademark infringement involving your civil and criminal responsibilities. In accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property, only authorized the use of components of the site for strictly personal.

Trademarks and logos displayed on this site are deposited by the companies that own them. Any copying, republication or redistribution name or logos, by any means without prior written permission of the owner concerned is prohibited by law.

If you use one of the SSDO marks (logos, slogans, ...) on your website, in an advertisement in a paper book, or reproduce the mark elsewhere, you must first obtain permission to the SSDO. If you signed a written contract with SSDO describing exactly how you can use its brands, you do not need to follow this procedure of approval, unless you want to change the conditions of use set by your existing contract.

Information and Freedom

Some personal data can be collected, with your consent for communication purposes. Pursuant to Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have a right of access, opposition and correction of your data. You can exercise this right by sending your request by mail to :

Madame Nathalie DURAND,


2 place Corneille

92100 Boulogne-Billancourt



Any public or private site is authorized to decide, without permission, a link to information disseminated by SSDO. However the pages of this site should not be nested inside the pages of another site.

Permission to establish a link is valid for any media, except those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or potentially, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the greatest number.

To do this, and always with respect for the rights of their authors, a logo of SSDO is available to enrich your relationship and indicate that the site of origin is the site of the SSDO.

SSDO logo - 1564 octets

<a href="http://www.osdd.fr/"><img alt="OSDD.fr" border="0"  src="http://www.osdd.fr/_img/logoOSDD.gif"></a>

Changing the legal information

The SSDO reserves the right to change these terms at any time. The user is bound by the conditions prevailing during his visit.

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