Share and increase the value of your sport experience and sustainable development !

Sports meeting,Sporting goods, Mountain, Nautism, Physical and sport Education

In its website ( and in its thematic publications, the SSDO (“Sport and Sustainable development Observatory)”, a registered association according a French 1901 law, lists the experiences and hands over to the actors. In 2007, was published the first edition of a Guide on water sports and sustainable development (freely downloaded on

In 2009, the water sports guide volume 2 and new guides on sustainable development thematic are planned:
- “sport events”,
- “mountain climbing”,
- “sports equipments”.

Let us know your innovations, eco-products, performed actions, current projects, testimonies, partnerships which take into account one or several sport and sustainable development challenges.

Thus, take part in the writing of our publications!

In order to know more about it:

Tel: + 33 672 925 991

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